tisdag 1 november 2016

distances grow from the inside

It started as a small shiver of doubt, a slight vibration of a crack between us, it seemed only a micrometre wide. I hunched down to have a closer look, and realized it was the size of the distance between our star and the next. It is bigger than you and me; it’s bigger than anything I know. How am I supposed to hold on to anything when this happens every time. It is done now, I am standing here on my side, and you, you are where you are. The cold of the distance spread as fast as the shiver of realisation. Connection was lost and I was frozen again. What was left to hope for was crushed in one single simple blow. The one word you wrote was all that it took to set off the cracks. The deep sound of certainty cracking open, me standing on top of a black ocean, clear ice bursting in white lightnings, blitzing across distances touching the horizon in all directions, the sound reaching me from somewhere far away, a place I will never know. I will live here, on this cast off block of ice, drifting unattached in a black sea.

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