tisdag 9 februari 2016

It called itself darkness

It called itself darkness
Lingering cold and cleverly vicious
It stood there by a horizon that felt too near
And the world was shrinking
Now it’s only that and me
Now it’s only that
It called itself darkness and I knew what would come
It had been there before
Then gone but never really left
I stroke the streets with my thoughts and paced myself
“It all comes down to this” i wondered
me and it
me walking
it following
it called itself darkness and I no longer had a name
we had met before
I slowly lost my sense of being
Whatever comes after this will leave me long gone
“slowly” I thought
then only me and it
then me
and only darkness

måndag 1 februari 2016

we have never been parted

I long for he who will take me home
I long for that moment when he sees my face
I will smile and he will take my hand
The horizon will never seem too far away
The land will touch the sea
the sun kiss, gently kiss the water a million times
he will kneel down and pick up a handful of sand
he will pour and it will run between my fingers
this was your life, this was also mine
where you walked I have also been
as the grain is a part of the beach
so was I a part of your life
through all of the time that passed
we have never been parted