söndag 17 januari 2016

For a long good while

Don’t try to reach me now
Its too cold here
Don’t try to touch me
My skin is too shy
For a good while
My heart has been shallowly filled
With warm words that is too easily chilled
You can not reach me now
It is far too cold here
Don’t try to talk to me
My heart is too scarred
For a long good while
I will have to keep climbing this peak
With warm words that was meant to kiss your cheek

Easy, swift and shy

It was only a wind catching a feather that brought us together
If nothing else we had a moment that barely touched forever
Floating through a space between your world and mine
We connected for a brief glimpse of time
What is of the essence is not how we collide
What is of the matter is not how we hold on
All there is between, a short leap from your world to mine
Just a little rift in time
Easy, swift and shy
Our chance passes us by

söndag 10 januari 2016

As time is nothing

As time is nothing, but tide that rises after what follow
As I am nothing, but what’s left after you swallow
I am a word that fled your mouth; a thought resentfully shallow
I flutter and sparkle and shine and flatter
I am something that easily pass your mind and matter
make you think about things twice, but decide
‘No, with the direction I chose, after all, I am satisfied.’
Leave me alone with my fear and desires
Love is but a thing that expire
Don’t hold me dear like you once did
That was the only thing pure and, after all, dignified
Of all we kept close and hid
Of all the truths that made us liars
Of all dreams that fled those nights
Nothing could have taken me higher
Than the calm wind, the breath from your chest
Soothing down the back of my neck
Playing on the wildest of fires

lördag 9 januari 2016

He wont know a sound of it

With words that tingle like sirens song, 
I’m drawing him closer without reaching out. 
He won’t know a sound of it before this is all over 
and my mind has drifted far away. 
Its all muted careful treading in snow 
and rain will soon wash it away. 
Its a photograph of footsteps and I will say, 
yes perhaps it was me, 
but I am long gone my friend.

söndag 3 januari 2016

keeping a secret

You wont know how I took the dreams of you and I, put them in a bottle and sent it out to drift in the ocean. Perhaps someone will find them one day and let them out into the air. Unknowingly open the bottle and let the winds carry those dreams. Perhaps the winds will carry the dreams back to me, and I will smile and say, yes, once I really did love you. And I will still cherish those days. It will be a warm and fond memory. It will linger for a while, perhaps revisit when someone ask me about those poems I wrote. And I will smile and say, yes, perhaps I really did love him once.